spiritual advisor for magical bishes:

▵ Who are are ready to go deep into the more shadowy sides of healing work, while still keeping both feet planted in the real world.

▵ Who feel that nagging tug from their intuition and know it’s time to step into a more expansive version of themselves.

…so, is this you?

▵ Who are done with one-size fits all self-help and no longer interested in the Next Big Healing Thing, choosing simple, sustainable practices instead.

▵ Who say f*ck it to societal expectations – you’re here to disrupt patriarchal, capitalistic, colonial ideals and break those cycles once and for all. Masks off.

current 1:1 offerings:

  • An energy clearing and chakra balancing session to shake loose any energetic cobwebs and emotional blocks.


    ▵ intuitive reading (oracle cards/channelled messages)

    ▵ guided visualization and healing tools


  • A quick hit of intuitive guidance delivered via voice notes or Zoom call up to 20 minutes.


    ▵ tarot/oracle reading

    ▵ any channelled messages that come through


  • A customizable dive into your natal chart to help answer the age-old question: why am I like this?

    We'll look at the placements that make you unique, with details and guidance tailored to YOU and not just regurgitated from google.


    ▵ 75-90-minute virtual recorded session

    ▵ a fancy handout!


  • This is where the magic truly happens.

    Maybe you’ve been the work for a while now, but you still have that nagging suspicion there’s something more here for you.

    You’re ready to clear the emotional blocks and energetic cobwebs and fully own your growth and healing.

    You’re stumbling along this spiritual path and you want someone to walk it with you:

    Someone who sees you, can hold space for you, and activate tf outta you in the best way…

    And I’m 100% that witch.

    This ongoing relationship is a minimum 3-month commitment, because we know gardens don’t thrive and flourish in a day!


    ▵ 2 bi-weekly guided glow-up sessions

    ▵ 1 full day in Voxer (voice note app) -can be split into 2 half days


    Send me a message to apply!